The maze runner books in order
The maze runner books in order

the maze runner books in order

I like them all and I would definitely recommend them since they are my all-time favorite books. I think 1, 2, and 3 are close with number 4 right behind closely followed by "The Death Cure". Thanks for reading this, sorry if I seemed a little harsh :p :) I liked the action and you could tell there was a lot more to come in the series. I was also a little tired of Thomas asking millions of questions and just not getting answers besides “bro it’s just bad, don’t do it”. Most of the loving characters are rude and mean in this book. A lot of first books spend all the time teaching you about the world instead of having a sturdy plot. Maze runner, they always say the first is the best, but honestly I don’t believe that.One thing I wanted from it was to show everyone’s past not just Thomas’s, yes Newt had a chapter, but what about Minho, Chuck and Alby? Fever code, honestly this is tied with Kill order, I loved being back with the original group and just seeing how they were pre maze.I liked the different perspective, I always saw Thomas as kind of whiny(then again I’ve never been trapped in a maze) I liked most of characters and the story was alright. Kill order, I know, I know, a lot of people don’t like this book and that’s fine.

the maze runner books in order the maze runner books in order

Some stuff I didn’t like, It was a little fast paced and I should mention, NEWT DIES!!!!! We were following a smaller group, with my main fav characters. What I liked about the book was that we weren’t following a group of 20 boys.


  • Death cure, one of the better endings of a book series in my opinion.
  • Scorch Trials, I liked to be out of the maze and learn more about the maze runner world, I loved the new characters that were introduced, and I loved the growth of the characters we knew.

  • The maze runner books in order