Throughout the adventure, Sonic is able to collect one of nine different Wisp power-ups, each with their own gameplay alterations. However, the aforementioned Wisps are what make Sonic Colors stand out from the rest of the series.

Sonic is able to get a burst of speed by holding the A button, but you also have to react to obstacles and incoming enemies. Essentially, you will find yourself running extremely fast, if that wasn’t obvious already. Sonic Colors was the second game to use the “boost” gameplay formula. Other changes include the Tails Save mechanic, a token-like feature that brings you back to safety if you fall off the stage, and cosmetic items that are unlocked using Park Tokens. The addition of the Jade Wisp often complements the already fantastic level design, which is set across different worlds with different feels, so expect to revisit stages multiple times to discover these secrets. Ultimate adds the Jade Wisp, which allows Sonic to transform into a ghost, unlocking hidden areas and secrets in the process. Eggman from abusing the power of the Wisps to power his Interstellar Amusment Park. The story is the same, following Sonic’s attempt to prevent Dr. Sonic Colors: Ultimate plays exactly like the original version, with a few additions here and there. The Nintendo Switch version of the game does have some issues compared to on other platforms, but that doesn’t detract from a fantastic journey through the stars. For the most part, not much has changed, aside from updated visuals and a higher frame rate. Eleven years later, Sonic Colors Ultimate has released on Nintendo Switch. However, the likes of Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations proved that the Blue Blur was capable of something greater. At the time, Sonic was struggling in the console space, with titles that received either a mixed or extremely negative reception. When Sonic Colors debuted in 2010 for the Wii, it was a much needed breath of fresh air for the series. Your experience may differ from ours, so please bear that in mind before you read our review.

Note: Some of the performance issues discussed in this review have been patched by Sega.