These also apply to Dagon because he's just a re-colored Bael. He can become a pain in the highest difficulties though, especially when he enters his own Devil Trigger phase.

He telegraphs his attacks from a mile away, they're all easy enough to dodge, and he gives you tons of opportunities to damage him.
#Devil may cry 4 credo full
Using Dante to his full potential requires the player to master Style Switching and weapon swapping.Being able to activate it on demand to create flashy and extensive combos is one of the greatest hallmarks of a good player. Nero's Exceed mechanic is one of the most difficult aspects to master, especially instant revving in combos.This is also seen as a response to a Game-Breaking Bug in 3:SE where a separate Vergil save file can leak into and corrupt the data of a Dante save file. It's a step up over the old slot-based system in 3:SE where your progress in Dante and Vergil campaigns are independent from each other. This is well-received because you don't have to re-obtain some collectibles, upgrades and unlockables when you switch between the characters. The Special Edition of this game revamped the save system so that it consolidates all your progress across the Nero/Dante, Lady/Trish, and Vergil campaigns into a single file.These changes make the system much more interesting to exploit, even if it's tricky to master.

Lastly, the upgrades no longer require grinding for experience points. Thankfully, DMC4 gives Dante access to all of his styles and allows the player to swap them in real-time whenever they want, even in the middle of a combo.
#Devil may cry 4 credo Pc
Capcom learned their lesson after that, resulting into the PC version of DMC4 being a Polished Port.